mental health & the climate crisis

One of the most important ways we can take action against climate change is starting conversations within our community. However, TOTB knows that many people feel despair, anger, guilt, fear, anxiety and depression at the mention of the climate crisis. This flight, fight, or freeze response can be paralyzing - resulting in avoidance and inaction.

In this workshop, participants will rehearse having peaceful conversations about climate change and gain practical tools for responding when the topic is met with resistance. In order to empower folks with the confidence to approach these difficult conversations, this workshop will first address Climate Depression and Anxiety, and equip participants with the skills to process their feelings, ground themselves, and channel their emotions.

Your group will:

  • Discuss of the Window of Tolerance and hyper/hypoarousal (fight/flight/freeze responses)

  • Explore and identify their own emotional responses to the climate crisis

  • Practicing setting boundaries to avoid burnout while engaging in climate activism

  • Learn grounding exercises to manage stress and difficult emotions

  • Using Forum Theatre, role-play scenarios on the themes of eco-anxiety and depression, and act out solutions to “rehearse for reality.”


TIME 1-2 hours


INSTRUCTORS 1 facilitator / 30 participants


SPACE One large room and chairs