
OUR 2024-29 strategic plan

We at Theatre of the Beat have been hard at work over the last two years to create a vision for our future. Working with Credence & Co, our staff and board has come up with a plan: to cultivate and strengthen our roots, so we can then rise.


branch out, reach new communities…

We are eager to build more connections with organizations that do the everyday social justice groundwork that Theatre of the Beat explores in our plays and workshops.

Partnering with groups who approach social activism from different perspectives and backgrounds will strengthen the integrity of our theatre productions, enabling us to resonate with the experiences of diverse audiences.

We’re excited to meet new people on this journey!


It’s time to create bolder content…

Theatre of the Beat's roots originated in 2011 by touring original, grassroots social justice theatre to Mennonite communities.

Though we've developed relationships with a range of other communities since then, we are now asking ourselves: what does a "Both / And" world look like moving forward?

Over the next five years, we intend to boldly initiate and create content - with both our historical and developing audiences in mind. This will allow us to be unapologetically ourselves, address the needs we see around us, and embrace the grey areas of life. 


…AND dig deep into our roots.

In addition to branching out, we plan to deepen our relationships with the supporters of Theatre of the Beat, and those who have always been passionate about our work.

By doing so, we hope to create a model for a sustainable revenue stream that covers our operational budget throughout the year.

In this way, we can seek longer term grants and explore non-traditional funding sources in the future, giving us the freedom to focus on creative work while caring for our staff and ensuring a foundation of stability and security. 


a very special video announcement

From our communications manager, lena maripuu

We’re hitting the road to our future!

stay tuned for more updates…

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